Bhairoba Tak Silver
Dimension of the Product is 6.0 * 7.0 cms
आपल्या कुलधर्म -कुलाचारासाठी आवश्यक असलेले देवांचे धातुंचे टाक उपलब्ध आहेत. (तुळजाभवानी माता, खंडेराव, भैरवनाथ, रेनुका माता, महालक्ष्मी माता, ज्योतिबा, सप्तश्रुंगी माता, पितरांचे टाक (आई-वडील).
Disclaimer : Idols, Taak & Pooja Sahitya these are continuously running item. Customer may experience changes/updation very quickly.
So please be advice that given product images are just for representation; whereas it is not mandatory for us to deliver same product as shown in images. Product will be deliver as per current available version. Hope this will help to avoid further confusion.